Monday, June 19, 2006

There Has Been SOME Knitting Going On . . .

Am pleased to say that it only took about a MONTH of knitting and frogging to complete ONE Pomatomus Sock!!! So, like a trooper - I cast on the second sock, did exactly two rows, then returned to my rainbow socks below :)

Aren't these turning out cool???? I'm in love.

My Aunt's Picture

This is a picture I cross stitched for my aunt (see my original blog for some of her pictures and the post of her passing). She loved giraffes. For Christmas one year, I made her a "Zoo Parent" of a giraffe at the St. Louis Zoo - she was thrilled.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

When Bad Things Happen to Good Socks . . . .

Ok - I've been pleasantly knitting along on some lovely socks. Been looking forward to knitting this yarn up. Finally was able to get Pomatomus pattern to work and look neat . . . . see?

Really neat - takes the stripey yarn, adds interest. Basically, a neat thing!

So . . . I decide it is time to order some more yarn - stuff I've been coveting for a couple months. Is Regia's Nations Fun colors, and another one. They arrived in Friday's mail . . . . . .

The poor Pomatomus has been set aside (believe me, I can't figure out what to do with the pattern over the top of the foot anyway . . . .)

Now, there are socks I can knit and not have to think while I'm doing it. Yippee!!!

I love this stuff!! Fun colors, crayon box colors really, in nice, VISIBLE stripes. One blogger actually said "don't look directly at the socks!" hehehehe Those are the kind of socks I'll really wear!

So, in all this, I have achieved a big revelation about stash yarn. Please accept my definition below:

STASH - n., relates to yarn that was either so beautiful, soft, pretty, different, or cheap that required purchase. A pattern or item was in mind when the purchase was made. We took the yarn and danced all the way home with it and sang songs full of glee about our purchase - like hunters bagging Big Game. Then, a day or two later, we do the same thing with other yarn - more beautiful, soft, pretty, different, or cheaper than what we just got. New patterns have been discovered, or items you saw on a friend that just HAVE to be knit. Repeat this process 10 or 20 times, and you achieve "STASH." Only the newest stuff is your favorite - and the stuff that is more than 24 hours old is no longer as wonderful as it was when you got it.

At least, that's MY take on it . . . .