Monday, October 01, 2007

Tiny Dilemma

Yes - it's the Manly Alpaca Sock . . . in all it's half-done glory!! Note to self . . . when making men's socks, typically it will take more than 300 yards of yarn. Aargh! So - I'm half-way through the foot and you can see the tiny ball of yarn that's left . . .

Of course, there is another skein, so this sock will be finished. But the second sock . . . no way! I will check (plead, beg, and otherwise humiliate myself) at the Ferguson Farmer's Market next Saturday morning in an attempt to get just one more skein of Lily's fluff (the alpaca in question), but when I got this, her owner said it was the last until the next shearing.

Maybe she was dishonest . . . but I don't think so :(

How often CAN you shear an alpaca . . . in October . . . just before the Midwest winter sets in???

1 comment:

Gwen said...

You could always get a complimentary color of the same type yarn and use it for the heels and toes. Looks cool too.