Sunday, October 16, 2005

Scarves, Scarves - Everywhere!

At a friend's suggestion, I am knitting scarves to be sold during the holidays. She loved the one I made myself a while ago, so I made her one, too. Then she suggested I make a few to sell to "professional women" - assuring me that they will be a "hit!" So, I'm giving it a go - might be a nice way to earn some extra cash for Christmas. So along with starting my new job, doing laundry and having to hang it to dry due to the broken dryer, dealing with a dead refrigerator, and a former employer intent on fighting my receipt of unemployment benefits, I have managed to work on the following:

A lovely peach, cream and tan scarf, finished to include twinkley fringe.

Knitting three different colors at a time!

Pink, cream, tan closeup:

Closeup of blue/pink:

The black, red and silver:

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