Sunday, January 08, 2006

2006's First Finished Objects!

It's only one week into the New Year, and I have progress to report already! Finished the first sock and actually started the second one of my hand-dyed sock yarn socks. Did this in Viv's Lacy sock pattern, and think the first came out looking fantastic.

Knitted up the Foxy yarn I bought just before New Year's weekend, and made this really cute scarf. The picture doesn't do it justice - my camera's not quite good enough to get the bright red color of the yarn. You'll have to believe me, it is drop-dead gorgeous!

Also bought the needles required for the Pacific Northwest shawl, so should be starting on that sometime soon. Know it will take some heavy-duty concentration, though . . . so may be a bit. Might just have to finish that other sock first! hehehehe Hope your New Year knitting is very enjoyable!

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