Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Bad Knitting Blogger!

Ok - I know you're thinking I haven't done a single thing new in ages! Well - you'd be WRONG! Been so busy knitting, haven't had much time to blog. So, here's what I can say - I've knitted a few more sparkley scarves, one not so sparkley one for a Christmas present (so, obviously, can't be shown here), and have been fighting (yes, fighting) with a lace patterned scarf in a beautiful mohair yarn. I swear, I started this thing about eight times and the subsequently ripped it out again before it finally started going right (as if my nimble fingers had ANYTHING to do with mistakes!). Then I'd knit a while, count stitches, and find one had been lost along the way. So, rip out again, correct it, back to knitting. Seems I've worked on this thing forever - but has honestly only been about a week and a half.

Neice Wendy suggested "life lines" be put in where I know the pattern's right so I don't have to rip out to a spot before that. AND - she thinks I have finally found a pattern that is up to my difficulty level. Comforting. Right!

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