Thursday, March 09, 2006

Totally Ruined!

Now I know I'm totally ruined! I finished the shawl and decided to make socks. Not just any socks, but the Pomatomus socks currently shown on Knitty. And - to top it off - I would use the beautiful Koigu yarn I got from niece Gwen for Christmas. It has been a fixture in my brain since Christmas when I got the yarn and saw the pattern. It is an intrigueing one - looks like fish scales when finished, and should work beautifully in the Koigu.

So, tonite, I cast on some plain yarn on larger needles to work through the pattern and see if I can actually read a chart. Once I got going, it wasn't tough at all, so I frogged all that, tossed it aside, grabbed my #2 dpn's and set to work . . . . . and couldn't bring myself to start the Koigu! Waaaaaaaaaaaah!

So, I am now knitting them with some yarn I've had about a year in a dark red/black/brown color and it's looking pretty nice. Perhaps once I finish a pair of these, the Koigu will bite the dust . . . . will just have to see.

I've always chuckled at my niece when she buys a really nice yarn, then can't bear to actually knit it into anything. She says "nothing is wonderful enough for it." I think I'm beginning to understand.

1 comment:

Gwen said...

This applies to the koigu (which isn't used although, I did ball up one skein) the lorna's laces, the mountain colors, the cashmere, and the cashmere wool that I got from China. It's kind of like souvenir yarn. Maybe one day I'll knit it up....

Glad to see you finally got something special enough to understand. If you came to visit me, we could go to where they have a wall of Koigu. If you had more, maybe you would use it...
